titre documents joints info document (Flash)
titre documents joints info document (Flash)
titre documents joints info document (Flash)
titre documents joints info document (Flash)
titre documents joints info document (Flash)
titre documents joints info document (Flash)
En el marco del proceso de paz que adelantan el Gobierno de Colombia y la guerrilla de las Farc, el fin de semana del 16 al 18 de agosto viajó a La Habana, Cuba, una delegación de víctimas para reunirse con las y los negociadores. Don Alfonso Mora León, víctima de crímen de Estado, hace un balance...
Gotas que agrietan la roca. Droplets that wear away the rock- 56min TV Version – english subtitles from Antonio Girón on Vimeo.
“We recognize that steps have been taken to improve protection of union leaders and members, but ask that the Colombian government, through the National Protection Unit, significantly strengthen these protective measures,” Congressional Monitoring Group members wrote in a letter to President...
Is the United States government electronically monitoring the Peace Talks between the Santos government and the FARC guerrillas in Havana? If so, on what pretext is this being done? On May 16, 2014 the Colombian newsmagazine “Semana” published a news story labelled “Exclusive” in which it...
titre documents joints Resumen del caso Gustavo Petro (PDF – 554.3 KB)
The event will be available via livestream at www.wola.org The Washington Office on Latin America, Workers Uniting, United Steelworkers, and Justice for Colombia are pleased to invite you to a Congressional briefing onThe Colombian Peace Process – A Northern Ireland PerspectiveTuesday, March...