Videos are now available for the Colombia peace process conference held on January 23rd at The Elliott School for International Affairs at George Washington University sponsored by the Washington Office on Latin America. Videos are now available for the Colombia peace process conference...
“It’s a relatively small place, near the Galerías shopping mall in western Bogotá. It now doesn’t have the sign outside that had idenfitied it, hanging over the two windows with glass that blocks the view of the interior. In a small terrace, under a black awning, there are eight tables and 24...
On Saturday, February 8, 2014, at around 11:40am, Wber Areiza was held prisoner for 30 minutes by troops from the military base in San José who belong to the army?s 17th Brigade, as part of an illegal checkpoint set up next to San José de Apartadó. They branded him as ?suspicious,? and although...
Amnesty International hopes that the capture of Bernardo Alfonso Garzón Garzón – who has the right to be presumed innocent until and unless proved guilty after a fair trial – will now spur on criminal investigations into human rights violations committed by COICI and also lead to the investigation...
Resumen de las principales columnas y registros del cubrimiento de la destitución del Alcalde Mayor de Bogotá y posteriores reacciones. 9 de diciembre de 2013 al 23 de enero de 2014. Columnas de Opinión Editorial: De agitación, pugnas y logros...
On December 21, 2013 the Washington Post published an article titled “Covert action in Colombia” by reporter Dana Priest. Ms. Priest is a veteran reporter who has over the course of her career produced significant reports on important topics. However, in her report on the role of the United States...