On June 17, 2008, a remedy of review for the ruling that declared the constitutionality of the legislative act allowing the reelection of president Álvaro Uribe Vélez was submitted before the Honorable Constitutional Court by a number of legal, labor and social organizations, upon considering that irregular, illegal and fraudulent acts -currently known by the public- affected the legality and legitimacy of said reform.







On June 17, 2008, a remedy of review for the ruling that declared the constitutionality of the legislative act allowing the reelection of president Álvaro Uribe Vélez was submitted before the Honorable Constitutional Court by a number of legal, labor and social organizations, upon considering that irregular, illegal and fraudulent acts -currently known by the public- affected the legality and legitimacy of said reform.

When the Constitutional Court issued a pronouncement on the constitutionality of the legislative act that gave rise to the presidential reelection, the acts that are now of public knowledge were not yet known, which should necessarily affect the legality and legitimacy of said reform.

In the first place, a significant number of the members of congress that voted in favor the legislative act are currently being criminally prosecuted for their alliances with paramilitary groups. For instance, the Pact of Ralito constituted the formalization of a macabre alliance with criminal designs, which has gravely affected the principles of the rule of law and participatory democracy, given that many of these members of congress reached parliament through the support of paramilitary terror.

In the second place, the testimony provided by former congress member YIDIS MEDINA, and the evidence she put forward, demonstrates that senior government officials bought the deciding vote of this member of congress to ensure the passage of the presidential reelection. Furthermore, this was the same motive for having bought the absence of congress member TEODOLINDO AVENDAÑO.

These acts invalidate the foundation and grounds giving rise to the legislative act, given that this act was not the result of a democratic and transparent debate, rather the product fraudulent maneuvers contrary to free democratic expression.

This remedy hopes to restore the principles that should rule a democracy respecting ethical and constitutional principles, human rights, and the foundation that should characterize a state based on democratic principles, which in turn support the social rule of law.

This remedy of review requests the Constitutional Court to declare the invalidity of the legislative act and, as a result, determine that the constitutional reform of the presidential reelection loses effect since it was brought about through legal defects.

To support this extraordinary remedy of review against the Ruling C-1040 of December 19, 2005, which was the legal basis allowing the reelection of president Álvaro Uribe Vélez, please download the following third party proceedings:







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